Lesson R&S 2



by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 1

when and where we can put the punctuation?

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Punctuation

by Ashley Hernandez -

A period "." goes at the end of a declarative sentence. 

     We are studying English.

A question mark "?" goes at the end of a question.

     Are we studying English?

An exclamation point "!" goes at the end of sentence with great emotion.

    Wow! I got an A in English!

A comma "," is used in the middle of a sentence to separate thoughts. You will pause for a comma.

     Every time I turn around, it's raining!

     It rained on Sunday, on Monday, and on Tuesday.

An apostrophe is used to make a contraction.

     I am = I'm

     I will = I'll

An apostrophe is also used to signal possession.

     John's car = the car that belongs to John.